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Important where child sits in class

(Originally published in Afrikaans: scroll down for original)

With the schools reopening on Wednesday it may be a good idea to review some factors that influence learning, like where your child sits in class. This is according to Luise Spangenberg of Edu-Profile. She assesses children and adults through genetic brain profiling. Spangenberg says that where your child sits in class can play a big roll in their academic performance. "I had a grade one student whose teacher was convinced he had ADD (attention deficit disorder) and needed medication. After the consultation I advised that he be moved to a different place in class, since there was no indications in his profile of ADD or ADHD. A week later the teacher apologised to the mother and reported that the child showed no symptoms of ADD anymore and was a bright student."

According to Luise children should sit with their dominant ear facing the teacher so that they can physically hear better and pay better attention. They should sit where there is fewest distractions. She also says that children who move more by nature doesn't necessarily have ADHD and they should sit at the back of the class where they won't distract other students. "It is also of value for these children to sit on a Pilates ball, rather than a chair. Parents can enforce this at home during homework and study times, since schools generally doesn't allow this. In class they can play with a stress ball or small item. This will help them pay better attention," says Spangenberg. Don't let your child blindly choose a chair this year. Choose right and prepare for a good academic year.


Belangrik waar kind in klas sit

15:00 (GMT+2), Wed, 13 January 2016


Met die oog op die skole wat Woensdag heropen, is dit dalk 'n goeie idee om te kyk na faktore wat leer beïnvloed, soos bevoorbeeld waar jou kind in die klas sit.

So sê Luise Spangenberg van Edu-Profile. Sy assesseer kinders en volwassenes deur middel van genetiese breinprofiele. Spangenberg meen waar jou kind in die klas sit, kan 'n groot rol speel in hul akademiese prestasie.

"Ek het 'n graad een-leerder gehad wie se onderwyseres oortuig daarvan was dat hy ADD (aandag-afleibaarheid) het en medikasie benodig. Ná afloop van sy konsultasie het ek aanbeveel dat hy op 'n ander plek in sy klas sit, aangesien daar geen aanduiding in sy profiel was van ADD of ADHD nie. 'n Week later het die onderwyseres die ma om verskoning gevra en gesê dat die kind geen tekens van ADD toon nie en 'n wakker leerder is."

Volgens Luise moet kinders met hul dominante oor na die onderwyser gedraai sit, sodat hulle in werklikheid beter kan hoor en beter aandag kan gee. Hulle moet daar sit waar daar minder afleidings is.

Sy sê ook dat kinders wat van nature meer beweeg nie noodwendig ADHD het nie en dat hulle juis agter in die klas moet sit waar hulle nie ander leerders kan steur nie.

"Dit is ook van waarde vir sulke kinders om op 'n Pilates-bal eerder as 'n stoel te sit. Ouers kan dit tuis toepas wanneer huiswerk gedoen of gestudeer word, aangesien skole dit nie in die algemeen toelaat nie. In die klas kan kinders met 'n stresbal vroetel of met iets kleins speel. Dit sal help dat hulle beter aandag gee," sê Spangenberg.

Moenie dat jou kind hierdie jaar blindelings 'n stoel kies nie. Kies reg en maak gereed vir 'n goeie akademiese jaar. - Mark Steenbok

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