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My child is not coping ......

Have you ever considered that your child is as unique as a star or snowflake because of his or her unconcious Laterality profile?

Apart from physical, intellectual and perceptual milestones which he/she should achieve in specific grades (see future blogs) the emotional or psychological development of your child will 1stly directly affect the others. Therefore the understanding of the Genetic Brain Organisation Profile of your child will assist in flagging potential emotional sensitivities proactively.

As parent you need to understand the hierarchy of personal and interpersonal skills that has to be achieved at a particular time or grade in order for your child to progress successfully through to the next stage/s.

Each stage of emotional development represents a ‘psychological crisis’, when both the potential of the child is increased but at risk of his/her vulnerability at the same time. Thus it might imply that although your child could achieve well intellectually and physically - but be stuck at an emotional level, implying immaturity for that age. Such will impact on the child’s self-concept and ability to perform specific tasks.

Each stage builds upon the psychological outcomes of the previous stage/s. For example, when development proceeds normally, with no outstanding traumatic events to derail progress, the child’s attitude of basic trust that develops from birth to 18 months helps children to feel safe enough to expand the range and diversity of their experiences and in the process develop an attitude of autonomy between 18 months to 3 years.

Trusting their environment and feeling the autonomy to move freely in it, children are able to reinforce the attitude of initiative associated to develop between 3 years to the age of 6. This encourages the attitude of independent industry between 6 years to the age of 12 which is a critical time during primary school. This stage implies the ability of your child to control their lively imaginations and apply themselves to succeed in formal education. With this fundamental groundwork laid – basic trust, autonomy, initiative and industry – a teenager should be ready for the monumental challenge between the age of 12 to 18 years, establishing an identity and sense of who they are as individual while having to deal with pressure and confusing messages from peers,parents and the world at large at the same time. Out of all this will emerge an overall personality, which, if the above went well, houses an essentially positive self-concept and industrious young adult.

Of course, there may be a breakdown from the child, ineffective educational opportunities or challenges which will be in affect from COVID for some time, that would expose your child to a greater likelihood of acquiring a higher ratio of one or more negative ego qualities which then increases the probability of a greater degree of identity confusion and subsequent life adjustment challenges.

We at Eduprofile are geared to assist your precious child to pre-empt risks and achieve intellectually, perceptually, physically and emotionally to be the best they can be!

Set up an appointment with your nearest consultant or zoom session if needed.

A series of workshops to assist parents and learners

will be available from September 2022.

Have a brainy day

Annette and Team


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