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Extracurricular Activities
In the beginning of every academic year parents and children are overwhelmed with a choice of different extracurricular activities, both...

Research: Grade 5 students
In 2011 Dr. Annette Martins conducted a test on a Grade 5 class in special education. The 19 students were assessed by an independent...

Fidget Spinners: Yes or No?
2017 has been the year of the fidget spinner. There are different shapes, colours, and kids are going crazy over them. What is a fidget...

Is my child ready for school?
School readiness is a process, not an event. The process leading to school readiness starts at birth and goes hand in hand with the...

Assessment & scholastic decisions
Is your child ready for assessment and scholastic decisions? Candice’s educational assessments began in pre-school with an interview and...

Dr. Martins on CAPS Radio
Katleho Mogale talks to Dr. Annette Martins about genetic brain profiling and its benefits to learners, teachers, and parents. Did you...

Demystifying Classroom Placement
At the beginning of a new school year teachers are faced with a new class and with it comes new challenges, especially when it comes to...

I Graduated High School, Now What?
Congratulations to all the matrics who have finished their exams! It will be a while before you get your results, but I'm sure...

The Subject Choice Puzzle
In grade 9 it is always stressful to chose suitable subjects for the last few years of school. It's not just about choosing subjects,...

Career Spotlight: Teachers
Welcome to our very first episode of "Career Spotlight"! In this first episode we explore one of the most popular jobs in South Africa:...
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