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Brabbeltyd 1 Augustus 2016

Dr. Annette Martins was jare lank ’n onderwyseres en later dosent en professor in opvoedkunde. Sy is ’n groot voorstaander van genetiese breinprofielontleding en gesels met Charlene Lackay hieroor.

Brabbeltyd 22 Augustus 2016

Luise Spangenberg doen Genetiese Breinprofielontleding. Sy gesels vertel vir Charlene Lackay hoe dit haar ouerskapstyl beïnvloed het.

Brabbeltyd 19 September 2016

Enige ouer sal opgewonde raak wanneer hulle vermoed dat hulle kinders uitermate intelligent is. Maar wat is intelligensie? Dr. Annette Martins, ’n opvoedkundige, vertel vir Charlene Lackay hoe ’n mens die 13 verskillende intelligensies ontwikkel sonder om jou kind

te oorlaai.

Brabbeltyd 10 Oktober 2016

Dr. Annette Martins is ’n opvoedkundige, en werk hard daaraan om breinprofielontleding in Suid-Afrika te bevorder. Sy praat uit eie ervaring oor hoe hierdie metode gebruik kan word om kinders met gestremdhede te help.

Brabbeltyd 20 Maart 2017

Dr. Annette Martins was jare lank onderwyser en later dosent en professor in opvoedkunde. Sy is ’n breinprofielontleder, en gesels met Charlene Lackay oor die invloed van verskillende musiekritmes op die werking

van die brein.

RSG Brabbeltyd

Verstaan hul brein

Hoe sal jy ooit weet of jy die regte ouerskapstyl toepas as jy nie
weet deur watter bril jou kind na die wêreld kyk nie?
Genetiese breinprofilering kan jou hiermee help.

deur Maretha Botes

Miskien het jy al gewens jy kan 'n towerstaf swaai en siedaar, jy verstaan jou kind beter. Niks is egter só eenvoudig nie, veral nie as dit by kind grootmaak kom nie. Maar hoewel geen kind met 'n handleiding kom nie, is daar wel fantastiese gereedskap wat ouers kan inspan om hulle te help om kinders groot te maak.

Vrouekeur 2017



We are so excited and humbled by the chance of being part of this inspiring project. The MADA Boys 2 Men project will provide 45 underprivileged students (5 per province) per year a chance to become shining stars though education. They will receive all the resources they need to embrace a future in engineering and technology.

We are providing Genetic Brain Profiling and support for these children free of charge so that they can become the best versions of themselves possible.

We want to thank MADA for giving us the opportunity to make a difference.

SABC News 2016

Maak vriende met jou kind se brein

Genetiese breinprofiel-ontledings bied 'n besonderse blik op jou kind se persoonlikheid en sy sterk- en swakpunte - en dit kan van drie jaar oud al uitgevoer word.

deur Karen van der Berg

Voorkoming is beter as genesing. Dié ou gesegde is veral waardevol wanneer dit oor jou kinders gaan. As jy vooraf insae het in die struikelblokke wat dalk vir jou kind op skool wag, die lees- en spelproblemer wat hy dalk kan hê of hoe hy op stresvolle situasies gaan reageer, kan jy jou spruit lank voor die tyd al begin help.


Hoe kry mens dit reg? Deur jou kind se brein en hoe dit werk, van jongs af al te verstaan.

14 January 2016

Important where child sits in class (translated)

by Mark Steenbok

With the schools reopening on Wednesday it may be a good idea to review some factors that influence learning, like where your child sits in class.

This is according to Luise Spangenberg of Edu-Profile. She assesses children and adults through genetic brain profiling. Spangenberg says that where your child sits in class can play a big roll in their academic performance.

by Kate Sidley


Music Makers

Could music be the ultimate performance-enhancing drug for our kids?

Across cultures throughout human history, moms haved hummed or sung lullabies to soothe their babies and help them fall asleep. An English mom meight go for "Hush Little Baby" while a Zulu mom might sing "Thula Baba". Studies have found that moms from different cultures use a remarkably similar tone and way of singing, which is often accompanied by soothing, swaying motion.


In fact, exposure to music starts before birth. Babies can hear in utero, from 24 weeks of gestation. Sounds are muffled, but the child can still hear mom's singing. There's even some evidence that babies remember and respond to music that they were exposed to while they were in the womb.


Dr. Annette Lotter, a doctor of education who specialises in brain profiling, says that babies respond emotionally to sound - even before they are born.

Baba & Kleuter 2016
BFN Courant 2016
Living & Loving 2014

Linker- of regterbrein?

deur Jenny Rose

Jy het dalk al gehoor van linker- en regterbrein-denke. Ons lees dikwels in boeke dat linkerbrein-denkers op ’n ontledende manier dink; dis hulle wat die rekenmeesters en wetenskaplikes van die wêreld is. Regterbrein-gebruikers is weer kreatief en “kunstig”.


Dié opvatting is in ’n mate korrek, maar dis ’n oorvereenvoudiging. En dit is nie genoeg om jou te help as jy probeer verstaan waarom jou kind se juffrou sê hy ly aan aandaggebrek- of hiperaktiwiteitsteurnis nie.

Baba & Kleuter 2011

by Suzanna Clarke

Truly mind over matter

Genetic testing can chart job success

Dr. Annette Lotter watches closely as volunteer Sarah MacDonald walks up a set of stairs. "You have a dominant left foot," she says, pencilling it in on a chart. Over course of the session, Lotter builds up a profile of MacDonald's ear, eye, hand, foot, and brain hemisphere preferences.


Lotter describes herself as a genetic profiler. She is not one of those scientists who takes swabs of DNA to investigate chromosomal abnormalities, but rather has adapted a much older technique that looks at the way the brain develops. She says that with a few simple tests, she can assess how good someone will be at a certain job.


The information is used by companies for recruiting and to improve workplace performance, by revealing individual strengths and weaknesses in a more accurate way than a written test.

Courier Mail 2008
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