Edu-Profilogist: Heleen Cronje

Heleen Cronje
East Rand
082 375 5890
Tell us about your family
Blessed marriage of 12 years to Jaco Cronjé. Daughter Simoné (16 years) from previous marriage. She loves playing hockey. Eldest Son, Arend(10 years) enjoys his rugby and anything adventurous. Christiaan (7 years) the youngest, is my little actor and did very well in Public Speaking. So grateful because they are all doing very well academically in school. We all belong to the “Voortrekkers” where we as a family can have fun, learn new skills and develop as individuals.

Do you own any animals?
Yes, we have two Jack Russel dogs: Lulu and Plooitjies, and three hamsters: Russel, Wollie, and Patch.
What is your favourite food?
My husband’s Indian Cuisine
If you could ask anyone any question, who would it be and what question would you ask?
God – Just how do You manage to do what You do?
What did you want to be when you were 5 years old?
A preacher
What are your favourite hobbies?
Painting and being able to support my kids when they do after-school activities.

Who is your favourite author?
John Ramirez
What was your favourite subject in school?
What extracurricular activities did you participate in when you were in school?
Drama, Athletics, and Ringball
What’s your favourite line from any movie?
Lucy saying to Gru in Despicsble Me 2: “If you ever wanted to get back to doing something AWESOME – give us a call!" – That is how I feel about Edu-Profile.
What advice would you give your teenage self?
Think twice before you act or say something.
What are your pet peeves?
Not being able to be on time and people that are not on time.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
Somewhere in the mountains – I love the majestically splendour of the mountains
Choose a movie title for the story of your life.
Unpredictable Adventure
What is the scariest thing you have ever done for fun?
Tandem Sky-diving
What is your favourite animated movie?
Despicable Me 2
What sport are you a fan of?
Hockey - I love watching my daughter play
What would you never, ever do?
What excites you about Edu-Profile?
It has made such an enormous possitive impact on our family dinamics as well as to each of us indivudually. It gives my heart such undescribable joy to see how it enlightens people just to be able to understand how and why they do what they do and how to cope better in stressfull everyday situations. The impact of Edu-Profile is actually priceless!