Career Spotlight: Real Estate Agent
This week's Career Spotlight focusses on becoming a real estate agent and what you need to pursue it as a career.
The property industry has become more professional in recent years and to make the conscious decision to become an estate agent as a career has become a viable option.
The industry has put measures in place to ensure that the conduct of the Estate Agent (EA) is professional and that they operate with integrity.
The school subjects are not restrictive in any way, but a matric qualification is essential. There are no barriers to entry to become an agent, but you have to complete formal training.

From a Genetic Brain Profile perspective we believe that your personality is what will make you successful in this industry. You have to love working with people, but also understand that 70% of an agent’s day is admin driven. You have to be able to work independently without anyone having to look over your shoulder. You should be a self-motivator!
A typical week in the life of an agent will entail the following:
Attending weekly meetings
Cold calling to canvass for listings.
Managing your diary well to ensure appointments are kept.
Going out to list new properties.
Advertising the properties on the internet.
Taking buyers to view properties – possibly after 17:00 at night.
Show houses or open hours.

How do I become an estate agent?
You have to apply to become an INTERN ESTATE AGENT at any agency. Please be aware that the agency that you apply with has to comply with the legalities in place. These are that the agency must have a valid Fidelity Fund Certificate for the current year.
You may ask for this and phone the Estate agency affairs Board (EAAB) to confirm if they are compliant. Once you start as an INTERN Agent you will have apply for a Fidelity Fund Certificate of your own. Currently the cost is R530 for the first year after which it will be R364.
Your Principal at the agency you work for then has to enter you into the
Further Education and Training Certificate: Real Estate (FETC: RE) for level four or NQF4.
This is a one year course. You complete it by attending an accredited service provider. There are bursaries available for this course through the Services SETA.
You will attend training sessions and have to do projects. During this time you will work under the agency and you can already earn an income.

The remuneration is commission only. It could take up to four months for a property to register and that is when the income is earned. The rewards, however, are huge. You get to be involved in one of the biggest transactions that an average family will undertake in their life. You become their confidant, their friend and sometimes psychologist.
Your colleagues will also be people oriented and you will share stories and incredulous experiences together.
The commission, once successful is also very rewarding!