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Be Your Dream Project

The “Be Your Dream” project is an initiative by Anaïs, the artist and Ambassador of LifeLine. The project is structured to spread awareness throughout South Africa regarding LifeLine, and their free services and counselling that is provided for anyone in need. The project is aimed at supporting and assisting the population of South Africa, during a time when social wellness is required.


The “Be your Dream” production is performed 8 -12 times a month, and reaches out to over 12 000 youths every month. Over 3 years we hope to have travelled through South Africa, visiting most schools and an estimated 432 000 youths. This will make a huge difference in the end, resulting in a healthy social wellness in South Africa. After all, the youth of today is the future of tomorrow.

Majors for Minors

The Majors for Minors Classical Music Series has been carefully developed on the foundation of extensive scientific research demonstrating the indisputable positive effect of certain classical music on the brain development of foetuses, babies, toddlers and young children.


Research has shown that Majors for Minors:

  • improves concentration 

  • reduces hyperactivity 

  • weans children off prescription stimulants and depressants 

  • reduces sleep disorders

Brain Generation

Brain Generation is a product from the producers of Majors for Minors, and acclaimed musician Selwyn Shandel, aimed at improving your ability to concentrate and absorb information.


Brain Generation reconstitutes some popular hit songs into low-tempo, instrumental arrangements, layered with ambient sounds and a variety of other elements.


It has been designed not only to focus the

brain, but to provide you with an enjoyable

listening experience.


CEB is a best practice insight and technology company. We have a unique view into what matters—and what works—when driving corporate performance. With more than 30 years of experience working with top companies to share, analyze, and apply proven practices, we deliver innovative solutions that help you unlock your full potential.

Nikki Bush

Inspirational speaker and best-selling author, Nikki Bush, is highly regarded among the business community, educators and parents alike as she helps them to makes sense of, and stay connected in, a fast-changing world.

Nikki is a widely recognised thought leader with an extensive media footprint. She presents her distinctive talks and workshops to corporate, education and parenting groups.

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